 WISH YOU A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS -- Citizens Foundation 7, Betar kendra, Ranchi - 834002 Biswajit Padhi Season's greetings & Merry christmas from SRUSTI Sulekha Kumari Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !!! From: Sulekha Kumari Secretary SAMARPAN, Patna Pradipta Dear All, OSSA wishes you all a "Happy Badadina"(Merry Christmas). Let's celebrate by spreading the message of peace, love and happiness.May we all live in peace and Harmony for eternity. odisha santi abhiyan MANOJ JOSHI MERRY CHRISTMAS TO U. Happy X'mas and Great 2009 !! MANOJ MEERA AND MALHAAR JOSHI NAVI MUMBAI Ananya S Guha Let Christmas bring with it the message of love, forgiveness and peace. Let it touch our lives, and let us see Christ's image in ourselves. This is a prayer. Love to ALL, Ananya S Guha.
Dr. Shivajee Kumar Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !!! From: Dr. Shivajee Kumar Secretary Paralympic Committee of Bihar __._,_.___
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