Dear Mr. Pradeep and all, It is good to hear that literacy in a remote block of Tripura is on the rise and very high.The fact is that our efforts say Govt./NGOs etc who work for literacy stop at the point once the so called literacy ie person able to read and write is achieved.In the present day; the definition of literacy should change.So also the definition of poverty.I must appreciate the definition of povery developed by Nobel prize winner Prof. Md. YUNUS for his Grammen models.They do carry sense and a person above poverty line makes a remarkable difference. Next the very objectives of the programmes like literacy missions and poverty alleviation programmes do not aim for excellence.This I would mean a continual revision of the criteria/targets(Qualitative and quantitative) upwards for better and better.The programmes should answer what next after literate?Nor should the programmes end there. |