Entire universe be it Indian( Hindu), Christain, Jews etc are to be blamed for the baised and partisaned treatment of Islam across the globe. The onus of fair treatment lies only on Hindus/Christains/Jews. After al Islam is the fastes growin religion in the world. So what is the rate of growth? What is the unit of measurement? Which is propelling this growth engine? Is it a zero sum game or rate of growth is compensated by equal reduction in prople of other faith? Act of violence has to be despised and abhorred;whatever religion the perpetrator belongs to. Looking back into the history why is it that this sub continent has been invaded mostly by Islamic aggressor? If they were the progeny of peace why were they carrying sword? Why we don't have single Hindu country except Nepal in the world? Why people think rate pf growth of a religion vindicates the greatness of the religion? Was't Buddhism made a world religion by a Hindu not by attacking people and forced conversion? How come three religion born and flourished in Hindu land? Despite Hindu terrorists, that has become fav words of certain class of people to justify violence by other sect, why we don't see such propagation of religion in other countries? Some introspection is needed by an individual before blaming others. Without justifying any violence, would like to impress upon all that Hinduism has survived thouands of years and it will evolve and flourish further without any act of aggression. We will take care of Ram Sena and other fundamentalist group within our capacity,within our geographical territory. India is a secular country both in words and spirit.I as a citizen take pride in that. Despite ill treatment by some Marathis and sundry others of Biharis/South Indians(it is analogous to violence against certain sects) India remains a democracy. India will remain a secular democracy beacuse she has sons and pupil( of all faith and religion) who will fight till the end to keep it intact.
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