This article has some interesting aspects, which I would like to elaborate.
1. Dalits are Hindus and Hindus burn the dead bodies in stead of burying them. So, the complain 'WHO EXHUMED THE BODY OF THE TWO PLUS YEAR OLD AND WHY ?' is mainly done by Ex-Dalit but converted christian dalits, whose proximity with Muslims is well established. Dr. John Dayal, the dalit christian leader is a consulting editor of the front page magazine by Ms. Seema Mustafa. If you give them (constitutionally) silver, they will demand gold. If you give them gold, they will demand diamond. So, I would request all of you to ignore the ever unsatisfied complaints of dalit Christians. While leaving Hinduism, for some material benefits by Christians, they did know the consequences of becoming a minority. The advantages of burning over burial is well known. But when we bury, a heavily populated country can't afford to offer land. 2. The following is asserted by the author, without any references. Quote:
The dalits lost 108 lives in Gujarat, 38 alone in the city of Ahmedabad. Quite a few of these deaths occurred due to the dalits resisting the Hindutva goons by siding with hapless Muslims.
Assuming that the above is true, the dalits referred must be 'dalit christians'. RSS/VHP never hurt any Hindu dalits. It is these Christian dalit activists, who spread a rumour that RSS/VHP are Brahman dominated parties, while BJP had Mr. Kalyan Singh , OBC as CM. The Hindutva Goondas were furious because their Karsevak friends were burned down by Muslim miscreants. It was a mob fury and even police were Hindus. So, when police sympathizes with Hindus, what a CM can do ? A CM only can order an inquiry and subsequent investigation, after the event. He is not a Robot owner, that he can switch the remote control to activate police's secular mind. The case is in supreme court and properly fought by each side. We know the result and punishment. So the above is just a typical dalit christian allegation, with no face value. Wise people said to live in water, make or buy peace with sharks. Don't wait for god (constitution and secularism)'s help.
3. coming to author's assertion - "End result, only handful of teachers from the scheduled communities in all these schools"
Teaching is not an ordinary job; they create future citizens and quality of teaching must not be compromised because some one need a job to feed his family. Today, IIM Ahemadabad graduates couldn't get a private sector job because of bad economy. So they are joining public sector based on their qualification at a lesser salary. This explains - a person who is ready for private sector is automatically ready for public sector or Government jobs; not the vice-versa because Government 22.5+27% people are hired for social upliftment and that is why India can't make exponential progress.
Dalits always complain about 'forced manual scavenging' , I clean my toilet myself. While in hostel , we used cleaned our toilet in rotation. Never felt bad. In USA, the toilet is cleaned by Mexican ladies. A job is a job , which gives us salary or money. Let us say - Manual scavenging is banned after listening to these Dalit activists. Now, what those people will do ? Will the dalit activists feed their family ?
Sometimes, if you think in a rational manner,it causes gross irritation. 'Dil Mange More from Government' . Our focus should be on private sector and goal should be 'a job' based on our competency level; not 'the job' from Government.
4. Conviction rate in general is very poor because of incompetent police forces. This has nothing to with dalit's FIR or upper caste's FIR. I can give a FIR number filed by our family - and you can find the status - closed. So, the story is - what is happening with Dalits, are happening across India, across castes, across religions. Dalit activists are scanning the Dalit news under a 'Dalit Media watch' and keep shouting injustice. Many of us don't do. There are 175 kids , reported missing in Delhi on Jan-2009. Try to find out - How many Dalits and how many upper castes and OBC ? Police incompetency is across all places and remember, it could be due to 'Reservation'.
So if you demand incompetent or lesser competent people in Police force as 'the job' , you have to bear the conequences as well. So, why complain ? If you recruit lesser competent in schools - the HSC result will speak and why cry then ?
-Manoj Padhi
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