Report on Social Audit of ICDS Scheme conducted in Mirdhapali Gram Panchayat of Bolangir district, Orissa Introduction A child is the future of nation. Development of child is necessary for growth and prosperity of the country. National Policy on Children proclaimed by Government of India in August 1974 declared children as, "supremely important asset" of the country. The policy provided the required framework for assigning priority to different needs of the child. The programme of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) was launched in 1975 seeking to provide an integrated package of services in a convergent manner for the holistic development of the child. It is the only Govt. programme in the country that aims to cater to the nutrition requirements and other health, immunization, and early education needs of the most vulnerable groups of population namely children under six years of age, pregnant and lactating mothers and adolescent girls through providing a package of services including supplementary nutrition, pre-school education, immunization, health check-up, referral services and nutrition & health education. This programme is implemented through the country. The objectives of the scheme are :- · to improve the nutritional and health status of pre-school children in the age-group of 0-6 years; · to lay the foundation of proper psychological development of the child; · to reduce the incidence of mortality, morbidity, malnutrition and school drop-out; · to achieve effective coordination of policy and implementation amongst the various departments to promote child development; and · to enhance the capability of the mother to look after the normal health and nutritional needs of the child through proper nutrition and health education. Judgement of Supreme Court on ICDS Hearing the Writ petition filed by PUCL vs Govt. of India, the Supreme Court has given a number of interim orders to both Govt. of India and State Govt. and Union Territories for effective implementation of this scheme ensuring the coverage of all children below six years, all pregnant and lactating mothers and adolescent girls in all rural habitations and urban slums with all nutritional and health services of the ICDS. On dated 28th November,2001, the Supreme Court directed all the State Govt. and Union Territories to implement the ICDS in full and to ensure that every ICDS disbursing centre in the country shall provide as under: (a) Each child up to six years of age to get 300 calories and 8-10 grams of protein (b) Each adolescent girl to get 500 calories and 20-25 grams of protein (c) Each pregnant woman and each nursing mother to get 500 calories and 20-25 grams of protein (d) Each malnourished child to get 600 calories and 16-20 grams of protein (e) Have a disbursement centre in every settlement. The Supreme Court through various orders has directed the Govt. of India and the State/UT governments to ensure not only that every child, adolescent girl and women of required eligibility to be covered, it also requires the scheme to be geographically universalised. On 7th October, 2004, the Supreme Court issued the following directions to the Govt. of India and all State Govt./Union Territories. - The aspect of sanctioning 14 lakh AWCs and increase of norm of rupee one to rupees 2 per child per day would be considered by this Court after two weeks.
- The effort shall be made that all SC/ST hamlets/habitations in the country have Anganwadi centres as early as possible.
- The contractors shall not be used for supply of nutrition in Anganwadis and preferably ICDS funds shall be spent by making use of village communities, self-help groups and Mahila Mandals for bying of grains and preparation of meals.
- All the State Governments/Union Territories shall use the Pradhanamantri Gramodaya Yojna Fund ( PMJY) in addition to the state allocation and not as a substitute for state funding.
- All the State Governments/Union Territories shall allocate funds for ICDS on the basis of norm of one rupees per child per day, 100 beneficiaries per AWC and 300 days feeding in a year.
- BPL shall not be used as an eligibility criteria for ICDS.
On 13th December, 2006, in the judgement, the Supreme Court directed that Govt. of India shall sanction and operationalise a minimum of 14 lakh AWCs in a phased and even manner starting forthwith and ending December 2008. The Court also states that all the State Governments and Union Territories shall fully implement the ICDS scheme by, interalia (i) Allocating and spending at least Rs. 2/- per child per day for supplementary nutrition out of which the Central Govt. shall contribute Rs. 1/- per child per day. (ii) Allocating and spending at least Rs. 2.70 for every severely malnourished child per day for supplementary nutrition out of which the Central Govt. shall contribute Rs. 1.35 per child per day. (iii) Allocation and spending at least Rs. 2.30 for every pregnant women, nursing mother/adolescent girl per day for supplementary nutrition out of which the Central Govt. shall contribute Rs.1.15. Further the Supreme Court in its order dated 9th July 2007 directed that "The backlog has to be cleared immediately and the centres which have been sanctioned up to September ,2006 shall be made operational and functional by 15th July.2007 in the case of all states except the state of U.P. On dated 8th May'2002, Supreme Court held that a. Gram Sabhas are entitled to conduct a social audit into all food/employment schemes and to report all instances of misuse of funds to the respective implementing authorities who shall on receipt of such complaints, investigate and take appropriate action in accordance with law. b. Gram Sabhas are empowered to monitor the implementation of the various scheme and have access to relevant information relating to , inter alia, section of beneficiaries and the disbursement of benefits. The Gram Sabhas can raise their grievances in the matter set out above and the redressal of the grievances shall be done accordingly. c. On a complaint being made to the Chief Executive Officer of the Zilla Panchayat/ Collector regarding non-compliance of the order of this court, the concerned CEO/ Collector shall record the salient features of the complaint in a register maintained for this purpose , acknowledge receipt of the complaint and forthwith secure compliance with this Court's order. d. The responsibility for implementation of the order of this court shall be that of the CEO/Collector. The Chief Secretary will ensure compliance with the order of this court. 2. ICDS in Orissa As per information provided by Women and Child Development, Govt. of Orissa in 2008, there are total number of 41,697 Anganwadi Centres in the state. Total number of beneficiaries i.e., child within age group of 0to 6 years, pregnant and lactating women covered under ICDS is 49, 85,131. Among them, 54,944 children are malnourished. Pregnant and lactating women are 7,83,535. The Govt. has appointed 40,369 Anganwadi workers in 41,697 centres. It means Anaganwadi workers have not been appointed in 1325 centers. 3. Why Social Audit Social Audit is a process which can ensure participation of the common people in the governance and ensure transparency in the implementation of the programme. The Supreme Court held that Gram Sabha is the appropriate body which can conduct social audit of food security programme within its jurisdiction. It means the common people have right to monitor the implementation of food security programme meant for themselves. But the ground reality is that the people are hardly aware about their right as well as entitlement in scheme. Due to lack of awareness among the people, most of the food security schemes are in disarray. Corruption, black-marketing of the items, misappropriation is the common phenomena in the implementation of these schemes. Though huge fund is spent in the name of the people, it does not reach to them. Due to absence of proper grievance redressal mechanism, though the people made complaints, they could not get justice. Keeping it in view, with a view to sensitizing the people about the scheme and their right to conduct social audit of this scheme, a consensus evolved by the people to conduct social audit in Mirdhapali Gram Panchayat under Bolangir Block of Bolangir district. This social audit was facilitated by two local CBOs like SATARKA, Bolangir and Dhabaleshwar Club, Mirdhapali and supported by The Humanity, Patnagarh, Bolangir. 4. Objectives of Social Audit - To sensitize the Community as well as beneficiaries about their entitlement in ICDS scheme.
- To understand the manner of implementation of the scheme and how the beneficiaries access to it.
- To identify any problems confronted by the beneficiaries while accessing their entitlements and devise action strategy to address it.
- To make recommendation to Govt., if any for effective implementation of the scheme.
5. About Gram Panchayat Mirdhapali Gram Panchayat is around 7 kms from district head quarter. It consists of villages like Barkani, Mirdhapali, Kagan, Tulandi, Bari Udar Dhuba Udar etc. 6. Process followed for conducting social audit - A team of volunteers was selected and trained on concept of social audit and its process to be conducted.
- Secondary information was collected from the office of ICDS about the allotment of food-grains to each Anganwadi centre in the Gram Panchayat.
- The information obtained was cross-checked with the beneficiaries at filed level.
- The volunteers also made personal visit to understand the day-wise physical functioning of the Aganwadi centres and prepared observation note for each centre.
- Series of village meetings were organized to sensitise the people as well as beneficiaries about the objectives of social audit.
- Letter was given to Collector, all the ICDS officials like CDPO, Supervisor, Anganwadi workers to be present in the meeting.
7. Proceedings of Social Audit Social Audit of ICDS programme was held at Ka gan village of Mirdhapali Gram Panchayat under Bolangir Sadar Block of Bolangir district on 2.6.09. Around 200 people mostly beneficiaries, children, women SHG members, Panchayat Representatives had participated in the meeting. It was facilitated by SATARKA, NGO working in Bolangir district and Dhabaleshwar Club, a CBO working in the Panchayat and supported by The Humanity, Patnagarh, Bolangir.. Though the ICDS officials, Block development officer, President, Zilla parishad were invited, they had not attended the meeting. No Anganwadi Worker, Supervisor, Helper was present in the meeting. However, Srimati Agasti Majhi, sarapanch, Sri Gajanan Bhoi, Samiti Member, Kedar Nath Sahu, Secretary, WARDS, Shankar Panigrahi, Secretary, SATARKA, Pabitra Das, President, SATARKA and Journalists were present in the meeting. While Mr. Pabitra Das welcomes the participants, Mr. Kedar nath Sahu had given introductory remarks. Mr. Shankar panigrahi has presented an observation Note on functioning of AWC in different villages like Barkani, Ka Gan, Ulundi, Mirdhapali etc. Dillip Thanapati of Dhabaleswar Club had coordinated the meeting. This Observation Note is attached herewith towards last part of the report. Then, the beneficiaries i.e., pregnant women, lactating women, older persons, children, women SHG member, village people had presented testimonies relating to mismanagement, corruption, black-marketing of food items, non-functioning of AWCs and non-transparent implementation of ICDS programme in the Panchayat. Testimony-1 Debaki Bighela, beneficiary of Emergency Feeding programme | Village- Kagan | I have received 4 Ada ( local weight system) rice ( around 3.4 kg) and one Mana Dal ( around 400 gram) in a month. Since month of March, I have not received rice and dal from the Anganwadi worker on the plea that the Govt. has not supplied it. | Other beneficiaries like Bhumisuta Seth, Tula Dharua, Des Bhoi, Gopeshwari Bag held same view. | Testimony-2 Shakuntala Kumvar, Pregnant woman | Village-Kagan | She is being provided 2 Ada (1750 gram) rice once in every two months. My son has been one year old. Now Anganwadi worker is denying food to my son on the plea that there is no such provision to give food when a child is completed one year. | Testimony-3 Harihar Putel, father of a child beneficiary | Village- Mirdhapali | My daughter Priyanka ( one year old) has been enrolled in Anganwadi centre. She has been given food only two months. Now she is not given food in the Centre. | Testimony-4 Niranjan Thanapati, father of the child beneficiary | Village-Kagan | He has one son (2 and half years old) and one daughter ( 5 years old). Their name has been enrolled in Anganwadi Centre. But food is not provided to them in the Centre. Though he has requested to the Anganawadi worker several times, she has not listened to him. | Testimony-5 Saraswati Bhue, ASHA worker | Village-Mirdhapali village | She has been providing all sorts of support to the Anganwadi workers. Though I have asked her to bring weight machine, she has not brought it. The children are not weighed in the centre. Health check-up is also not done at the centre. | Testimony-6 Sukun Dalei, Mother of a child beneficiary | Village-Mirdhapali | Name of my daughter Sukun Dalei has been getting food since last three years. Now she is three years ole. The Anganwadi worker has striked out her name from the list. She is not getting food. | Testimony-7 Sukhiram Mahakud, beneficiary of Emergency feeding programme | Village-Mirdhapali | I and my wife are the beneficiaries under Emergency Feeding Programme. We are just provided 8 Ada (approximately 7 k.g.) rice and one Ada (approximately 800 gram) Dal in a month. This is less that the quantity fixed under this programme. | Testimony-8 Biman Bhoi, Ward Member | Village- Tulandi | As the Anganwadi worker falsely informed to the people about cancellation of the programme, no beneficiary could come to attend the meeting from his village. | Testimony-9 Ekadasia Bag, ward Member | Village- Barakani | Similarly, though Angawadi worker of Barakani was interested to come to the meeting with her beneficiaries, higher officials asked her not to attend the meeting. | Some key issues raised - Though there is legal weight machine, it is not used in Anganwadi Centre. The Anganwadi Workers use traditional weight system like ADA, MANA, GIDHA etc. while weighing food items like rice and dal. Using this traditional weight machine, the Anganwadi workers cheat the beneficiaries by giving less quantity of items against the prescribed one.
- Neither the people nor the beneficiaries are aware about the prescribed quantity of food-grains to be distributed in the centre. There is no display board at the Anganwadi centre.
- The attendance Register is not open for public inspection. The Anganwadi centre is not opened regularly. The children do not get pre-school education at the centre.
- All the beneficiaries said that health check up is never done in the centre.
- Though there is norm for providing cooked food to the beneficiaries, the beneficiaries are given dry food in all centres.
Sarapanch, Mirdhapali Gram Panchayat Participating in the discussion, Agasti Majhi, Sarapanch said that this is a good step for proper implementation of ICDS scheme in our Gram Panchayat. Our village will develop through such type of meeting. We came to know many things about ICDS scheme. On question raised by the participants with regard to proposed action to be taken on complaint made by the beneficiaries, he said that he would seek explanation from all Anganwadi workers about alleged malpractice in the Panchayat meeting to be held on 25.6.09 and recommend disciplinary action against them to the higher authorities accordingly. Recommendation After a lot of discussion, the following resolution was passed in the meeting. a. A memorandum will be submitted to the Collector, Bolangir to constitute an enquiry into the malpractice in respect of less allotment of rice and dal to the centre and distribution of the same to the beneficiaries. b. Findings of the social audit will be presented to the Child Development Programme Officer, Bolangir Sadar Block and District Social welfare Officer, Bolangir to take reformative measures for effective implementation of ICDS centre in Mirdhapali Gram Panchayat. c. Sarapanch was requested to take measures exercising his power for proper management of the centre. Sarapanch can review the functioning of the centre by calling the meeting of all Anganwadi workers at least once in every month. d. SATARKA and Dhabaleshwar Club was requested to organize awareness campaign on ICDS and other food security programme. e. Opening of Anganwadi Centres should be regularized. Steps should be taken for stay of workers in the village. f. Dali children of Harijanpada are not allowed to get pre-school education in the Anganwadi Centre located at Mirdhapali village. The administration should take steps immediately in this regard. g. Weight of the children is not taken in any Anganwadi Centres in this Gram Panchayat. Health check-up is not being done. The administration should take steps to ensure health check and weight measurement at least once in three months. h. The foods distributed to the children in the centres are very low quality and spoilt. Less quantity of rice and dal is also given to them. The administration should take steps to ensure foods with good quality and quantity as per ICDS norm at the earliest. i. The Hon'ble Supreme Court has directed all the State Govt. to conduct social audit of food security programmes by Gram Sabha. The administration should take steps to ensure conducting social audit at least twice in a year. Observation Note-1 Anganwadi Centre, Barakani Name of Anganwadi Worker: Saroj Nalini Nag Helper's name: Suryakanti Singh It is observed that building of Angawadi Centre ( AWC) is situated at the end of the village along roadside near the primary school. The Centre is under construction. Now it is being operated in a Bhagawat Tungi which is situated in the middle of the village. During visit to the centre at 9.30 AM, it was found closed. The volunteers met the helper and wanted to know about the centre. She said that Angawadi Worker belongs to Bolangir town and comes to centre every day. 25 children with the age group of 0-6 years have been enrolled in the centre. All food items is supplied to the centre in every month. When asked about reason for closure of AWC, she said that Anganwadi Worker has gone for meeting. But the children present during the meeting said that AWC is closed since five days. She also told that she cooked 7 kg rice and 1200 gram dal for 25 children and 20 older persons in every day. They all take the cooked food to their home. Then the volunteers met beneficiaries i.e., 16 children and 7 pregnant and lactating women and asked them about functioning of the centre. During interaction with them, the volunteers observed the following problems. - It was found that there is a lot of irregularities in immunization programme. Women and children are not properly immunized.
- Malnourished children are not identified.
- Health check is not done properly and timely
- There is no pre-schooling in the centre.
- The pregnant women and nursing women are provided 4 Ada rice (3 kg 400 gram) and 1 Ada dal (850 gram) every month.
- Sunita Bagarti, a beneficiary said that she had got the abovementioned amount of rice and dal thrice during seven months.
- Children said that they were provided spoilt rice and dal with ants.
Observation Note-2 Anganwadi Centre, Kagan Name of Anganwadi Worker: Sabitri Adabania Helper's name: Ambika Adabania When the volunteers visited the Anganwadi Centre of Kagan village, they found the husband of Angawadi Worker (AWW) doing some paper works. He was a little bit disturbed, when the volunteers approached them. He was also seen giving thumb impression and signature of the beneficiaries in the Registers. When the volunteers checked the file and register, it was found that names of the beneficiaries are changed in another month. During interaction, the Anganwadi worker said that there are 35 pre-school children and 120 pregnant and lactating women in the centre. She said that dry food is supplied to the beneficiaries. Centre is opened 25 days in a month. There is always shortage of 5 to 7 kg rice in each bag supplied by the contractor called Samaleshwari Food Products, Gajabahal, Kalahandi. "As I received less quantity of rice, I was forced to adjust with same quantity by giving 3.4 kg of rice instead of 4.750 kg" says Sabitri Adabania. Though the centre is not opened regularly; the register shows 100% attendance of beneficiaries. While discussing with the people, the volunteers came to know that the AWW is not opening the centre regularly and not providing food to the children. Putting false attendance, the Angawadi worker is amassing huge money by selling rice and dal in the market. Observation Note-3 Anganwadi Centre, Mirdhapali Name of Anganwadi Worker- Gouri Behera The volunteers met Gouri Behera, AWW in Mirdhapali centre. While discussing with her, it was found that total number of 30 children and 30 pregnant and lactating women have been enrolled in the centre. The centre is opened from 7 to 11 AM. Cooked food is given to the children. 15 older persons also get food under Emergency Feeding Programme. No referral service is given to the school. In respect of supply of quantity of rice to the centre, the worker said that she also received around 5kg of rice shortage to prescribed 50 kg of rice in a bag. . Resolution passed in Social Audit meeting on ICDS conducted in Mirdhapali Gram Panchayat under Bolangir Sadar Block of Bolangir district on 2.6.09 On 2.6.09, a Social Audit on ICDS proogramme was conducted in the premises of Dhabaleshwar Temple located at Kangan village of Mirdhapali Gram Panchayat. Mr. Agasti Majhi, Sarapanch presided over the meeting. All the beneficiaries of Anganwadi Centres, members of Dhabeleshwar Club, social activists like Kedar Nath Sahu, Mukesh Behera, Shankar Panigrahi, Pabitra Kumar Das, a good number of journalists had participated and audited the ICDS programme. Though invited, no Govt. officials, ICDS supervisors had attended the meeting. In the meeting, the beneficiaries and the common people shared their experience while accessing the benefit of ICDS programme. It was found that no Anganwadi Centre is running effectively and no beneficiary is getting food as per ICDS norm. Less quantity of rice and dal is distributed to the pregnant and lactating women and children. The centres are not opened regularly. Then all the participants had made the following resolution unanimously to be presented to the Collector, Bolangir for effective implementation of ICDS programme in Bolangir in general and Mirdhapali gram panchayat in particular. a. An enquiry should be made in to irregularities of ICDS programme as alleged by beneficiaries in the meeting and accordingly action should be taken against the officials found guilty. b. Opening of Anganwadi Centres should be regularized. Steps should be taken for stay of workers in the village. c. Dali children of Harijanpada are not allowed to get pre-school education in the Anganwadi Centre located at Mirdhapali village. The administration should take steps immediately in this regard. d. Weight of the children is not taken in any Anganwadi Centres in this Gram Panchayat. Health check-up is not being done. The administration should take steps to ensure health check and weight measurement at least once in three months. e. The foods distributed to the children in the centres are very low quality and spoilt. Less quantity of rice and dal is also given to them. The administration should take steps to ensure foods with good quality and quantity as per ICDS norm at the earliest. 5. The Hon'ble Supreme Court has directed all the State Govt. to conduct social audit of food security programmes by Gram Sabha. The administration should take steps to ensure conducting social audit at least twice in a year. Prepared by Shankar Panigrahi Secretary, SATARKA __._,_.___
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