I am aware of the neglect of poor and marginalised Adivasi people and harrasment of them by adminstration and security forces. But I wonder how much love and affection the Maoists and Naxals have for them or are they being used for their ends.
It appears that the Adivasi people have become pawns in the struggle between administration and Maoists and Naxals. I would like to hear the truth from the ground.
Dr Dhuni soren
The first Train Hold Up of its kind in India has just ended - thank God it all ended peacefully and none was hurt. I for one don't know how to take it all - was it really a Train Hijack or there is some thing hidden behind it all ?
For a whole day not only the media but the Government of India kept calling it a Hijack but was it really a hijack ?
What is Hijack ? To best of my knowledge Hijack means - Stopping a vehicle and taking it away to a unknown destination with a ulterior motive of demanding ransom or illegal benefits.
I feel you all shall agree with me but did any such thing happen in today's case.- NO - it was just one another Train Hold Up that we Indians are so used to. Every other day in India Trains are detained by demonstrators - be it in terrorism effected Assam & Punjab, Caste Agitation of Rajasthan, Language agitations of Karnatka & Tamil Nadu or even by Daily Travel agitators of western Uttar Pradesh at their own whim.
In today's incident a very appropriate agitational method by first showing Red Flag then putting blockage on track unlike even the recent Rajasthan agitation where agitators removed miles & miles of rail track.
Today's agitators did not damage the train nor harm any passenger or rail staff - even as country has witnessed incidents of blowing up of train. All so more it is essential to look into this matter seriously is because the incident happened in West Bengal which too has been witness to many a violent Rail Hold Up's during agitations but today it was in most Gandhian way.
Actually there is some thing hidden behind it all - all day through the media Govt. of India kept telling that it is a Hijack by Maoist even as it turned out that the Leader of Maoist Group in Question turned out to be a TRINANMOOL CONGRESS activist till just a year back.
Are Maoist so foolish as to expose 300 of their men to the Indian Forces - they could have air dropped within a few hours and taken drastic action.
Or did the Govt. of India through the media (always on a look out for T.R.P. raise ) over played the "Hijack Drama' to down play the C.P.M. Govt. of West Bengal.
Surprisingly even as every Channel showed the Agitators Released the Train Unconditionally - many Congratulated the Home Minister & Rail Minister Ms. Mamta Banerjee for prompt release of Train. Even the Train Driver & many Passengers spoke in praise of agitators behavior and apparently from first moment it was clear that Hold Up would end peacefully before sunset.
To me & most Indians today's Hijack was nothing beyond a Drama apparently with TRINANMOOL CONGRESS hidden hand behind it. It would be appropriate Govt. of India orders a High Level Inquiry by a sitting Supreme Court Judge to set doubts at rest.
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