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Development of confused Muslims of the West, basically the children of Muslim immigrants who left their Failed State of Islamic countries decades ago |

For years now I have been listening in to Internet discussion lists involving all sorts of Muslims from all over the world. It is becoming obvious that there is now yet another group of confused and mistakenly confident Muslims who live in the West. Many of them are the children of Muslim immigrants who left their âFailed Stateâ Islamic countries after the Second World War to find new opportunities in the US, UK and Europe. Their children have now grown up in the West â" still firmly holding on to the religion and traditions their immigrant parents have imparted to them in their adopted Western country but not realizing that it was this same religion and values which messed up their countries of origin and forced their parents to escape to the West in the first place. Many have now started to hate the West and non Muslims.
Now there is also the young generation of Muslims who are causing serious problems among their Western societies. In France for example thousands of children of North African Muslim immigrants went on a month long rampage in 2006 - setting fire to cars and buses in protest over alleged Police brutality. The rampage was actually a symptom of a greater malaise i.e. not being able to adapt successfully into the larger society.
The accomplished American journalist and writer Seymour Hersh in his book âChain of Commandâ talks at length about Zacharias Moussaoui â" the alleged 20th hijacker in the 9-11 plot â" who is facing trial in 2006 in the United States. Moussaoui was born in France of North African parents. According to Hershâs book, a whole generation of North African youngsters like Moussaoui cannot speak Arabic â" they only speak French. They see themselves as ânot existingâ â" either as Frenchmen or as North Africans. Sadly for them they also suffer discrimination from the French. The inevitable result is a hatred for France, and by extension, for the West. Many of them like Moussaoui become attracted to radical Islam. Islam is the only plausible identity they can endorse because it helps them get out of this feeling of being âless than nothingâ. French human rights workers describe them as chair a canon â" cannon fodder â" easily recruited zealots who were willing to fight, and die, for a religious cause about which they know little.
In the United Kingdom, even after 50 years of immigration many Pakistanis are still dependent on welfare handouts to survive. Large numbers of Pakistanis still live in subsidized local council flats within the British socialist system. Now many young Pakistanis are involved in street crime and beginning in the 1990s Pakistani elders were shocked that in places like Birmingham many Pakistanis are involved in the vice trade.
In the United States economically successful immigrant Muslims are proud to trumpet that there are now more than 6.0 million Muslims in the US â" more than the number of Jews in that country. Comparing themselves to the highly successful Jewish population in the United States, it is their wish now that they use their numerical strength at the ballot box to press for more âIslamicâ rights in America. I have heard American Muslims on the Internet saying that if America embraces their religion then American society will find âtrue happiness and true greatnessâ. Obviously this is another expression of dislike for their neighbors â" in this case very successful neighbors who have welcomed them into their community and provided them new chances at life.
In Canada immigrant Muslims from Pakistan have asked for the establishment of religious courts to cater for their domestic disputes. This is simple arrogance founded of even simpler ignorance. They are suffering intense alienation from reality aka delirium. On September 11, 2005, the Premier of Ontario, Canada's largest province, emphatically declared: "Ontario will reject the use of Shariah law and will move to prohibit all religious-based tribunals to settle family disputes such as divorce." For Muslim immigrants in Canada to make calls for the establishment of a system of religious courts and that too in an adopted Western country that has been kind enough to take them in and give them a second chance at life is indeed the heights of arrogance and ignorance. And of course when they are denied their request it only breeds even more hate from them towards the non Muslims.
There is not one Islamic country in the world that has established a fully functional system of religious laws and courts. There is no such thing. Despite over a thousand years of bickering and arguing and labelling each other apostates the religious scholars have not been able to document and write down a complete and decisive set of religious laws. They have just not been able to do it.
In the United States just 6.0 million Jews have been able to compete with and overcome 250 million other Americans including whites, blacks, latins, Chinese and just about every one else. The Jews are among the most highly educated people in the United States. They control the media, the banks, the major universities and they are also highly influential over the United States Congress and Senate. In other words the Jews do not depend on numbers but brains to be successful. Can the Muslims match this ? Although the Jews have even more confusing religious laws, the Jews have never asked for the establishment of any Jewish religious courts in the United States. They function quite well within the American system.
After a few decades of taking their Western comforts for granted, these Muslims who live in the West are perhaps denying the obvious fact that they are enjoying the benefits of other peoplesâ efforts and other peopleâs civilization. But the fact is whether they are of Indian origin in the United Kingdom, Pakistani origin in Canada, Moroccan origin in France or Arab origin in the United States these Muslims set themselves apart from mainstream Western society. Then when the melt down does happen like it has in France and also in the United Kingdom where a whole generation of immigrant Muslims realizes that it is really not getting along with the rest of Western society their behaviour can be quite predictable and often catastrophic. They show hatred for the people who have fed them and clothed them.
In July 2005 London suffered a series of suicide bomb blasts on its Underground trains which killed 25 people. The bombs were allegedly set off by young men who were the sons of immigrant Muslims. They went to British schools, had British friends and grew up British yet they wanted to kill their fellow British citizens because of religion. The British are now realizing that these young men frequented mosques and madrassas which imbued them with fiery religious hate and a false sense of superiority over the âinfidel westâ. Better late than never the British are now restricting the entry into their country of these religious hate mongers from the Islamic countries. In our own country only now the Police are looking to arrest Abu Bakar Bashir the Indonesian hate monger who has been jailed in Indonesia for instigating the Jemaah Islamiyah terrorist hate bombers who have killed hundreds of people.
But the hate mongers are actually just another symptom of a losing system. The real problem is that their current understanding of âreligionâ is not going to deliver wealth, health or happiness to the Muslims in any large and predictable quantity now or anytime in the future. This is just not going to happen. Without critically questioning and overhauling their religion, the Muslims will continue tripping up. This means that the religious hate mongers will continue to find ready listeners and âmartyrsâ for a long time to come. There will be more suicide bombers yet to be born.
I have read and re read the Quran and really for the life of me I just cannot detect all this superiority complex and hatred which seems to be the staple of the priests of religion. For example the Quran says that we should feed the poor, the orphan, the wayfarer and the kin. Verse To Edit. I cannot find it anywhere in the Quran where Muslims are told that they should only feed the Muslim poor and not feed the non Muslim poor. A hungry man is a hungry man â" no matter what is his religion. Yet I was quite shocked to hear a very dear friend and elder telling me that the meat that is slaughtered by Muslims during the Hari Raya Haji or Hari Raya Korban or Hari Raya Aidil Adha or Festival of Sacrifice cannot be shared with the non Muslim poor. It is only reserved for the Muslim poor.
Every year hundreds of thousands of sheep, camels and cows are slaughtered in Mecca during the Hari Raya Korban. In the old days a lot of this meat would just rot and become wasted. Now after the advent of the petrodollars the Saudis make attempts to collect the meat, can it in factories and then ship it out to poor countries as food aid. But again you guessed it, this canned sacrificial meat is sent to the Islamic countries. Again I cannot find this type of prejudice against the non Muslim poor stated anywhere in the Quran. But when we do things like this, not only does it make us feel prejudiced against the non Muslim but it does not earn us any great friendships from the non Muslims either. If the non Muslims think that we are prejudiced and do not like us â" can we really blame them ? We do not even share left over meat with poor non Muslims. Imagine a hungry non Muslim man standing and watching meat being slaughtered and then being told that he cannot be given any portion of the meat because he is a non Muslim.
All these things which the Muslims do as part of their everyday lives cannot be found in the Quran. It seems that their whole way of life is just a constant stream of showing dislikes and hatred towards others especially non Muslims and the things that other people do. It is hate, hate and more hate. What a terrible fate.
One non Muslim observer (Dr. B Suseelan) has written a comment about Muslims on the Internet which I thought is worth mentioning here. The writer provides his observation about why the Muslims are in the present predicament. He likens Muslims to a bug crawling on a glass window pane and seeing the garden flowers and trees and the clear light of day through the glass. The window is actually partially open at the bottom and the bug can easily crawl down and escape into the garden.
The bug really wanted to fly out into the beautiful garden but instead the bug only moved around the periphery of the section to which it had become attached. Then it would crawl diagonally, fly in desperation only to crash against the deceptive transparency of the glass.
The bug was obviously a prisoner of his frame of reference, or probably his lack of frame of reference. If freedom was his object, an escape passage was readily accessible at the bottom of the window. But not able to question his instinct and bereft of reason, his behavior became blinded to his real options. He ended up in frustration, fury and futility.
Just like the bug the Muslims are caught up in the limitations of their own frame of reference. The Muslims are squandering resources in wealth, manpower and human energy in a misguided quest for Islamic development, Islamic power, Islamic influence and maybe Islamic conquest.
They want to reinvent the wheel and call it the Islamic wheel. In his book âCrisis in the Muslim Mindâ Dr Abu Hamid Abu Sulayman even talks about Islamic economics, Islamic communications, Islamic social sciences, Islamic international relations, Islamic political thought and Islamic political systemsâ (pg. 150-151). Dr Suseelan continues :
If Muslims want to succeed in anything useful, determine new directions and new dimensions and if they want to influence the world and restore their glory they need urgently to reexamine their religion.
For example are all their religious beliefs Quran compliant ? This is something they should really explore and satisfy themselves.
Dr Suseelan notes that regardless of how much blood is spilled in the Middle East and the relentless fighting in Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, Pakistan and India, Muslims are not able to dramatically change the world.
The Muslim hatred of democracy, pluralism, religious tolerance, co-existence and freedom of expression still continues unabated. The battle between the rigid, closed and dogmatic ideology of religion and unfettered thinking is by no means decided but its outcome will determine whether Muslims will embrace freedom, democracy, pluralism, coexistence, progress and tolerance or succumb to non-compromising fundamentalism, conflict and relentless war against the civilized world. The incessant rage, hostility and violence of the dejected Muslims will further destabilize the entire world.
Syed Akbar Ali
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